Monday, March 22, 2004

Panicked Watching the afternoon White House briefing today I am seeing the White House bend over backwards to try to call Richard Clarke a liar. Scott McClellan is doing so many flip-flops and mental judo moves that I'm really afraid he is going to fall out of his skull. I haven't seen that poorly a constructed balancing act since the last performance of the Wallenda family. The gaggle is not happy with the responses, and they are certainly laying the ground work for the Kerry campaign and most definitely Richard Clarke to hit several more out of the ball park. They are frankly, lost, and by their means of answering questions they are fanning the flames. This is going to be a very interesting week. Funny how they managed to avoid answering anything about Valerie Plame, but when it comes to Richard Clarke they try to come out with fact after irrelevant fact. So many confused thoughts and irrelevant statements. It's almost as coherant as their Iraq policy.
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