Sunday, March 21, 2004

The Triune Flog Over at Jim Romenesko's site, where Media "navel gazing" is not just done after they've blown the story -- but as its being blown [is that an accomplishment?] they are engaging in a debate about the third major reporter falsification story [Steven Glass, Jayson Blair, and now Jack Kelly] in three years. It is interesting to see HOW the various internet blog-o-rama is covering this story. Over at the sites I am more inclined to favor and agree with [and "liberally" steal from naturally] it is getting a fair amount of coverage, Atrios especially, but others as well. Meanwhile, the GAG-gle at "Protocols of the Elders of Reagan", I mean "The Corner [office]" have not a peep about this Evangelical Christian who claimed over the years to have personally witnessed the death of at least 10 people. This obviously smacks of overstatement and dishonesty -- at the very least all these claims would make it an obvious question -- why hang around this guy, he's a bipedal black cat. Considering that last year, when the Jason Blair scandal broke out, K-Lo, J-Goldberg, J-Analretentiveshire, and R-Lowry went on continuously, without respite on how the Times allowed the "affirmative action" baby to exist despite his obvious deceit. And then if I recall correctly, managed to pin it all on one or both of the Clintons. But not a peep when an evangelical christian manages to survive and prosper over two decades of fabrication and evasion -- AND apparently also attempts to browbeat others to corroborate his deceit, there is nadda, nothing. Oh well, there is always the John Kerry swearing and "looks French" thing to talk about. What am I doing about it? Why nothing of course. I'm bravely making wise-cracks behind a sobriquet of a name that was fabricated for a real historical figure. You're welcome.
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