Friday, March 19, 2004

You cannot be a legitimate Blogger without abusing the word MEME I try to always be legitimate. Of course, according to the many women I have dated -- or at least claimed in retrospect I was dating -- and those I have worked with -- and the occasional person with whom I have a passing acquaintance -- questions regarding my legitimacy in general have frequently arisen. I'd write a poem about it, but so little rhymes with bastard... But I digress. "MEME" a word I have to say that I, with a slightly larger than average vocabulary, had never seen used or uttered through all of those college courses, grad courses, and "Dear Penthouse" columns I've experienced. But in the all powerful, all knowing BLOGOSPHERE it is actually a legal requirement of the Blogger Contract that it must be used by a contractee as often as humanly possible . Hey, let's digress some more... Some of you who meant to type "" are probably wondering what is going on, or "where are the naked Thai girls?" (that's right I'm talking to YOU, Neal Bush!) but this whole rambling and incoherent post has but one goal -- but one purpose. To fill up space before telling you that Paul Krugman wrote an article of similar vein to the earlier referenced Saleton piece in Slate. Krugman is someone who all liberal bloggers like me have a raging man crush upon -- the dark Mophisto Eyes, salt-n-pepper hair, the healthy complexion, the beard -- oh heaven help me the soft fluffy beard (btw two whole days of blogging and I've used "Man Crush" twice) Here's the link.
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