Thursday, March 18, 2004

Antonin Scalia re: Appearance of Inpropriety -- "F.U." Sweet, sweet Nino "Annointer of the President" Scalia takes care of this nasty business of him having to decide the fate of his hunting partner (long-time hunting companion perhaps...hmmm?) Dick "Ought 6" Cheney. A defiant Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia refused Thursday to remove himself from a case involving Vice President Dick Cheney, a close friend, dismissing questions about a possible conflict of interest. He rejected a request by the Sierra Club, which said it was improper for Scalia to take a hunting trip with Cheney while the environmental group's lawsuit involving the vice president was pending at the court. "Even one unnecessary recusal impairs the functioning of the court," Scalia wrote in a 21-page memo. The Sierra Club is suing to get information about private meetings of Cheney's energy task force. Scalia has maintained there was nothing improper about the trip he took with Cheney three weeks after the court agreed to consider the case. If Scalia was your run of the mill Federal Judge, say a District Court Judge, or an Appeals Court Judge, there is not much doubt he would have to recuse himself. But if you are on the Supremes "appearance" is in the eye of the beholder (and if you ever played too much D&D like me you know that's an unpleasant thought). Nino looked in the mirror, and SHOCKINGLY found himself appearing rather dashing and handsome, the kind of dangerous rogue that women want, and Vice-President's want to be. He also thought there to be nothing improper naturally. He then flexed his muscles, nodded approvingly three times and went about his business -- scoffing at those nasty neer-do-wells and uppity treehuggers. Yessir, Tony Scalia is one SWEEEEEET mama jamma.... Sorry, got lost in my pretend man-crush there. I cannot go on.
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