Thursday, March 18, 2004

Preznit of Poland, get no Turkee [or Turkey]. Well this is a nice trend for the coalition of the willing(ly) bribed that Bush has put together. President Aleksander Kwasniewski said that his country had been "taken for a ride" about the alleged existence of weapons of mass destruction in the strife-torn country. "That they deceived us about the weapons of mass destruction, that's true. We were taken for a ride," Kwasniewski said Thursday. He argued however that it made no sense to pull US-led coalition troops out of Iraq. Oh great, its like he's an American politician already. "Well sure the Bush Administration lied to me as if I was the biggest dolt in the world -- but I do like that financial assistance and all. And besides, just because we've already royally managed to screw ourselves thanks to the duplicitous and quite stupifyingly middling intelligence that is the President of the United States, I guess we better stay." Now, as an American -- or as feckless leader would put it "Amurcan" I have to agree with this sentiment. But the argument actually becomes, as right puts it, 'what's done is done' if we are too docile in this regard. The Right didn't stop hammering after a blowjob, I'm not going to let Bush off now just because I know I have to help clean up the splooge., did I just really take a jism analogy too far? Yes, yes, I'm afraid I did. The Poles are also in the midst of elections, I believe, and the ruling party's pro-Bush stand isn't too popular [Amazing how consistently that seems a problem isn't it]. So saying a little something like, "Bush took me for a ride" seems a bit of a sop to the angry poles before the polls (ah, plays on words, how I love thee). The opposition party's line may be paraphrasing Joe Wilson and saying something like, "We're Fuckedski". Still this cannot be good news to the GOP in Congress. I can see some of them now: Polish Sausage = Freedom Sausage Polish Kielbasa = Freedom Kielbasa Polish Ham = Freedom Ham ...and many a non-pc "Freelock Jokes" are all the rage today. If this gets any worse they are going to break out the big guns and you'll see similarly spelled words get the treatment: Furniture Polish = Furniture Freedom Nail Polish = Nail Freedom um, Freedoming your Knob and of course, a favorite spectator event of most Congresspersons, going down to the strip club for some "Free Dancing".
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