Saturday, March 20, 2004

Preznit give me Mall Cops The Daily Kos (the slacker blog alternative to the "Hourly Kos") has the story of how for some unexplained reason the Bush/Cheney 2004 Campaign ("Come for the Recession, Stay for the Repression") has dumped about $750,000 into a private security firm related to "The Pinkertons" apparently. Given that the Commander-in-Chief has loads of Secret Service Agents, police, and of course, the armed services to call upon, it is of interest why the Campaign is paying money for folks normally expecting employment as "Event Security" or anti-Union Goons. The President of the United States announces his "Praetorian Mall Cops"? The security firm is named "Vance International". With a name like that you would think they'd be providing bouncers for gay wedding receptions (bouncer, gay wedding reception -- that sounds dirtier than I intended it -- glad I pointed that out). Maybe its an "job creation program related activities" deal?
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