Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Clarence Thomas is Happy Porn is Safe In an odd statement of support for the most recent supreme court decision protecting online free speech, Clarence Thomas wrote a supporting decision that surprised veteran court watchers. NPR's Nina Totenberg said that the vehemence of Thomas' concurring decision was "completely shocking." Fox "News'" Greta Van Susteren noted that not since the well known Brown v. Board decision has such a strenuous supporting opinion been released. Part of Thomas' statements are excerpted here: Never in the course of human affairs has such a fundamental right and freedom so intimately tied to human dignity been reviewed before this august court. It is without equal in affirming the needs, desires, sex, bondage, and pubic hairs of average Americans. The need of Americans to review the sexual acts of any famous adult entertainment star is one of the most sacred and special of all constitutionally protected emblems of free speech. Further in the thirty eight page opinion, Thomas opines: Therefore, I along with all right sexually thinking Americans, affirm the right to online adult entertainment. We would wither away as a nation without this life affirming beautiful, artistic statement of the best of the human condition. Therefore, so-called online pornography must be protected as free speech. In his conclusion: Now please excuse me as I must go use my computer. Its been three hours.
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