Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Meanwhile at the intersection of Moron Street & Stupidville Avenue With their wingnut hero Toomey going down to "might as well be a Democrat" Specter the "Gang of Bore" at the Corner do what they always do, live in a state of reality not even Ronald Reagan ever extrapolated from a movie. Specter will face Rep. Joe Hoeffel in the general election. If the Democrats had been smart, they would have looked for a candidate in the mold of former Pennsylvania governor Bob Casey, a social conservative who would have appealed to GOPers disillusioned by Specter. Yet Hoeffel is a standard-issue liberal. From what I can tell, he isn't even to the right of Specter on abortion--a huge missed opportunity for the Dems. Some conservatives will suggest that Hoeffel deserves support simply to prevent Specter from becoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That's not an unreasonable view, but it doesn't appear to me as though Hoeffel is the best vehicle for this approach. Specter probably will win. Then again, my recent predictions haven't been worth much. Yes, the gang at the Corner thinks that the "Democrats" actually do two things. First, operate as a monolithic entity and second, give a tinker's damn about their suggestion they nominate virtual Republicans as Democratic nominees. Let me see if I can put this simply. Most Democrats don't want to vote for candidates endorsed by conservative ciphers. But that post isn't even the most entertaining part of that blog. It's simply one long series of posts about the end of the world being nigh because Arlen Specter is going to be the GOP nominee. I cannot imagine them being nearly as upset about somebody like David Duke getting a nomination. Now, Arlen Specter is the charismatic equivalent of a dead mackeral but he has managed to win an election or two in his time (though I think he'll come up short this time). It's fun watching the various prostitutes you'd expect at the corner form the circular firing squad I normally expect (and still see) amongst Democrats. All I can say is that I remember with the first President Bush a certain tell-tale election happening in Pennsylvania that was a harbinger of the Democrats winning an election. Though this is different, let us hope its another indication of GOP self-imolation. But we were speaking of ciphers, and there's no better cipher than K-Lo, who today has managed to take a break from pushing books to demand that the United States make Fallujah into another Guernica. Yeh, that's a good plan crackpot.
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