Saturday, April 24, 2004

Finally, Operation Chalabi Sucks Set in Motion As the Washington Post writes today (hey, Walter Pincus on the Front Page?) the Bush Administration is finally seriously thinking about cutting off Chalabi's money and out of the future Iraqi government. They report Chalabi gets $340,000 a month from the government, though I've read higher. In any case, it's my belief Chalabi deserves to be sitting in an American Courtroom under indictment for defrauding the American public. Josh Marshall writes about this with more clarity than I can. So I'll just shorten the meaning of it down to its three essential components. 1. White House to UN: No hard feelings right? Please save our ass. 2. Liberal Democracy in Iraq? Who ever said such a thing, not the Bush Administration. 3. Sharia? Yeh, we can live with that. Boy I hope this band-aid works.
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