Friday, April 23, 2004

Chalk Up "Godwin's" as Yet Another Law Ahmed Chalabi Violates Preznit Bush has had difficulty pointing to his own mistakes, but surely in the "Lit'l Lockbox" known as his Brain there must be a small kernel of doubt about Ahmed Chalabi. After all: -- Chalabi is under indictment in Jordan for embezzling $300 Million. -- Chalabi has admitted he lied to the United States to get them to invade Iraq. -- Chalabi managed to con the United States into letting him have exclusive access to Hussein's files and to some extent his property. -- Chalabi's relative, posed as an Iraqi scientist and under the pseudonym of "Curveball" lied out of his ass about Saddam having mobile weapon's labs. -- He Continues to con the United States out of $430,000 a month for he and his organization of bandits. -- Yet, he still has Dicky Perle willing to turn over the keys to Iraq to him. And inspite of his continued ability to shake down tax payers via his ability to con "God's Chosen Flightsuit" for millions of dollars, Chalabi is still more than willing to lie up the yin yang in order to do so some more. Now, I agree that the willingness to bring back Baathists at this late date is a sign of desperation from the Bush Administration, but due in no small part to Chalabi, Bureaucratman (nickname per Billmon) fired every officer and Baathist out on their collective asses last year only to find them killing on their own time, rather than the Governments. If the process had been more lucid, like Jay Garner had originally proposed, the situation probably would have been much better (could not have been worse that's for sure). But faster than you can say, "Prince Bandar here's the war plan, when you're done with it we can play with the 'football'", Chalabi is condemning his "Sucker-in-Chief". This is like allowing Nazis into the German government immediately after World War II," added Chalabi, who heads a council committee specifically dedicated to keeping the upper ranks of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party out of office. Obviously, the media isn't telling you the truth. [*note, this post more entertaining by noticing the underlining]
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