Wednesday, April 28, 2004

That's One Imminent Pick Up for the Democrats I'm not a paid political pundit, though even by my amateur standards I'm going to go out on a limb and say I'm better at it than Bill Schneider. No, I am but a blogger who engages in such matters for free in my spare time. Furthermore, I know little of Pennsylvania. Nonetheless, I am going to make the kind of confident, no-holds barred prediction, that has all the gravitas you'd expect from a remote left-wing political blogger. Scratch one GOP Senate seat. Arlen Specter, who differs from many GOP moderates in being both unloved and little respected, somehow scratched out a victory in the Pennsylvania Primary over smiley-faced wingnut Pat Toomey. And when one says barely, it means barely, winning by about 15,000 votes out of more than one million ballots cast Specter is the kind of unlovable chump that you put on an investigative body with the purpose of sprouting conspiracy theories (right, Warren Commission). As one might expect from a GOP moderate, he's tepidly pro-choice, meaning on top of being unloved and unrespected, according to Karen Hughes he is also pro-Terrorist (how did Bush manage to support him? That's a good question for "Manhands"). According to famous mercenary hater, Kos, a recent poll found that about half of Toomey's voters say they will not vote for Specter no matter what in November. Now a lot of that is probably just talk (the GOP always circles the wagons better than the Democrats, for example see latest Village "Idiot" Voice), and I don't see the wingnuts voting for the Democratic candidate Hoeffel. However, they could skip that ballot, or more likely seize upon a third-party fringe candidate who considers each fertilized egg more worthy of life than a tax paying homosexual.
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