Friday, July 09, 2004

Swallow this America The Bush Administration expects us all to be Monica now.
Military records that could help establish President Bush's whereabouts during his disputed service in the Texas Air National Guard more than 30 years ago have been inadvertently destroyed, according to the Pentagon. It said the payroll records of "numerous service members," including former First Lt. Bush, had been ruined in 1996 and 1997 by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service during a project to salvage deteriorating microfilm. No back-up paper copies could be found, it added in notices dated June 25. The loss was announced by the Defense Department's Office of Freedom of Information and Security Review in letters to The New York Times and other news organizations that for nearly half a year have sought Mr. Bush's complete service file under the open-records law. There was no mention of the loss, for example, when White House officials released hundreds of pages of the President's military records last February in an effort to stem Democratic accusations that he was "AWOL" for a time during his commitment to fly at home in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director who has said that the released records confirmed the president's fulfillment of his National Guard commitment, did not return two calls for a response.
Gee, I suppose Mr. Bartlett was too busy smearing somebody at the time. Cat fancier Kevin Drum was all over this before he became Political Animal, with a story alledging that Bush's National Guard records in Texas' possession had were scrubbed (a crime by the way). Time to ask the Preznit directly if he was arrested for having a problem with the magic powder.
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