Thursday, May 13, 2004

Hello there fellow Bush Fans... (Ok please feel tongue planted firmly in cheek) Or is that Rove Fans... (Now, the tongue has pushed through the cheek) Apparently the Bush better half -- and, no I am not talking about Laura "He wrote a poem for me"... "wait someone on his staff wrote it for him." -- Karl Rove has been making some interesting speechifying himself to the Preznit's religious right fan base. The talk is all about character. And I am not talking about the kind you watch on the Cartoon Network. From the Washington Post: President Bush's chief political adviser told graduates of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University on Saturday to judge leaders on the basis of character. America needs people who have "the moral clarity and courage to do what's right, regardless of consequence, fashion or fad," Karl Rove said. Rove the right or is that left side of Bush's brain went on to say: "You either have values ingrained in your heart and soul that will not change with the wind, or you don't," he said. I wonder what kind of values Rove is referring to? Unilateral war, torture, perpetual war, squashing free speech (via legal and extra legal vehicles), or inability to communicate? Maybe its the way that Bush says Merica! What that's not a value. Gosh, I am at a loss to determine what value structure motivates Bush beyond self-interest, maybe familial interests? Cleaning up Papa's mess. Well, ok that's really not going so well for any of us. But loyalty is a value. Even when its misplaced. -DeDurkheim
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