G8 Summit Fun
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi head off to Massachusetts and provide bloggers with an easy gay marriage joke.
Dammitsky, don't call me Pooty-Poot.
In this cropped picture the G8 leaders gather for a group photo just before looking for Halliburton overbilling money said to be under a giant "W".
French President Chirac responds to a reporter's question about "just how big a load" President Bush is.
Jeebus, get a room already.
Bush asks Chirac for soldiers in Iraq.
Presently staying in the James Buchanan Suite.
You see, when we elected you, I guess I expected somebody less arabie.
No Silvio, I had to wear the "I'm with Stupid" shirt last time.
Yes, they are indeed all laughing at you.

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