Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Coalition of the Less Willing than Before First of all, a thank you to the Bush Adminstration for giving a smartass like me a name I can permeate in any number of ways. Kudos to you Dubya. Honduras, surely the most powerful nation in Latin America, if Mexico, Nicaragua and Guatemala are forgotten, has announced it is pulling out of Iraq and will do so sans "money shot". But my frustration at Cable-Ordered pornography should be set aside in favor of actual news I suppose. It could just be that they are revolted at the prospect of John Negroponte becoming the United States Ambassador there given their past experience with the man ("Death Squads? I don't see any death squads.") Honduras joins Spain as the newest "appeasers to evildoers". I do believe it has become every American's responsibility to think of a food or other items with "Honduras" in it to rename. Do your best, I can't think of any -- but then again, I'm still fixated on the Cable Porn Ripoff. Damn you Mediacom, for $10.99 plus tax, I demand fruition! Ahem. There is more bad news on the Coalition front, and this is potentially explosive news. The British Public is getting more and more upset. According to the Guardian: Support for Tony Blair's stand on Iraq has fallen sharply in the last two months, according to the findings of the latest Guardian/ICM opinion poll. The bloodiest month since the invasion of Iraq has seen public opinion in Britain swing sharply against Mr Blair, with 48% saying the war was not justified. The survey also found that two-thirds of British voters have little or no confidence in the Americans' handling of the situation in Iraq, with 79% saying it is too dangerous for civilians working for British companies to be in the country. There is still majority support for US and British troops to remain but a growing and significant minority - 42% - believe Mr Blair should follow the example of the new Spanish government and bring the army home within six months. The prime minister's personal rating remains in the doldrums at minus 20 points. But this month's Guardian/ICM poll does contain some good news for Mr Blair, with the Labour party regaining a five point lead over the Conservatives despite being buffeted by the Beverley Hughes immigration row at home and by events in Iraq and Israel. (Ed: It should be noted that the Tories were strongly for the War, not just soft support like US Democrats by and large) Labour's share of the vote implies that its performance in the June European and local elections will have more to do with the turnout than the Tories making any headway with swing voters. The detailed results show that support for the war has slumped from 53% in January to 41%. The percentage of people prepared to support the anti-war case and argue that the invasion was unjustified has grown from 41% to 48%. Anti-war sentiment has not reached these levels since September, when the Hutton inquiry hearings appeared to place question marks against the likelihood of finding weapons of mass destruction. The security situation in Iraq and the bloody battles in Falluja and Najaf have fuelled the sharp swing against the US-led coalition. Only 28% of British voters have "a lot" or "a fair amount" of confidence in the Americans' handling of the situation, while 41% have "not much confidence" and 27% have "no confidence at all". Even among Labour voters, 62% have little confidence in the US administration in Iraq. Winning hearts and minds, even in the mother country. UPDATE: The Poles are getting ready to begin buggering out as well.
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