Monday, April 19, 2004

Kathryn Jean Lopez (aka "K-Lo") unintentional comedy isn't Pretty At "The Corner", where blowjobs for Bush are figurative only -- but the sodomy is left for Derb alone, they are once again confused by an unflattering look at their Chimperor. Kathryn Jean Lopez job at "The Corner" to my observation is to praise "Jonah" or "Derb" in single sentences, or flog books, "David Frum is the bestest writer ever, buy his book here [insert link]". But last evening she broke out of her tasteful straight jacket and went "Frum" crazy on how Woodward could criticize "Herr Chimperor". MY BASIC QUESTION [KJL] Why does the president sit down with Bob Woodward in the first place? We have, evidently, in the Woodward book, based on 60 Minutes and Post excerpts, a portrait of a simple-minded Christian who thinks he was sent by God to give the whole world freedom, and who doesn't consider himself accountable to Congress, the Constitution, or anyone else. Which would just a typical Beltway book--one current account of history, from the angle of its main sources or writer--if it weren't for the legitimacy stamp it gets from having the president as one of its only on-the-record sources. Well golly gee Kathryn, how could he do such a thing? How about the fact that "he was sent by God to give the whole world freedom, and who doesn't consider himself accountable to Congress, the Constitution, or anyone else."?
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