Monday, May 17, 2004

Perpetual War -- Sure Why Not... (AKA - "Aw Not this Shit Again" One thing you can say about the Neocons, they hold to their cherished theories tighter than Jerry Falwell's sphincter when he mistakenly stumbled into a Tony Kushner play. And speaking of sphincters, after Richard Perle there is not a bigger one in the neocon camp than Michael Ledeen. Today in the WSJ Editorial page, Ladeen demostrates why sometimes even the Virgin Ben gives a more sober analysis of current events -- (Ben doesn't drink -- he's high on the Jesus). Ladeen sees insurgency in Iraq and what is his solution? Why the overthrow of the Iranian government by all means necessary. You know Mikey, one idiotically conceived war at a time, but thanks for your imput.
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