Monday, May 17, 2004

Matt Drudge on the Case Iraqi General Council President blow'd up real good? Nah Abu Ghraib scandal more than just a half-dozen "bad eggs"? Pish-Posh Gay Marriage allowed in Massachusetts? You'd think. But no, "behatted Roy Cohn" has far more important things to link to prominently. First, John Kerry's daughter wore a sheer dress at the Cannes film festival and it showed those nasty boobies that Matty-boy finds all icky and stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that). This relates to John Kerry's qualifications how? Perhaps as much as this relates to the Codpiece-in-Chief's qualifications. ...Alright I concede the point. If Kerry is elected we will become a nation of wealthy debutantes wearing sheer dresses vs. what we are now drunken louts falling down all over the place. Gee, why would we want the former over the latter? Hasn't Kerry promised us "transparency" in government? Alexandra is just demonstrating Dad's point, or points as the case may be. Second, Drudge seems shocked...shocked...that "Air America" has the audacity to sell underwear bearing its slogan. C'mon Matt considering that you are always free-ballin' this affects you how? ...Although I guess it does give one some good ideas for Iraqi torture picture "photoshops".
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