Monday, May 17, 2004

Isn't it de-lov-a-lee I'm watching CNN. Funny how we didn't have Al Qaeda in Iraq in substantial numbers until we invaded Iraq. And now just maybe we managed to get the WMD's imported there too. Serin the agent found is amongst the scariest substances in that it is both quite deadly and most of all because it is relatively easy to make. The most famous use of it was in the mid-90s by the Japanese Doomsday Cult Aum Shinrikyo. The fact that is was found in Iraq in an improvised bomb is not evidence that proves Iraqi WMD at all, though in fairness it doesn't disprove it either. However, it is quite possible it is being manufactured by some insurgent group in Iraq at this very moment, or being imported through Iraq's porous borders. UPDATE: Suave & Debonair Juan Cole is both more handsome and intelligent than me so I'll let him give the more likely explanation along with an additional nugget of what I will now rename "incompetence", as "W"incompetence.
Another bombing in Baghdad near US troops on Saturday had involved the use of sarin gas. Two US soldiers suffered slight reactions to the gas. This was probably just an old 1980s shell of the sort used against the Kurds and Iranians, and nothing suggests many of these remain or are still operative. The insurgents who used it may not even have known what it was. (It was not marked). A couple left-over stray such shells does not prove that there were WMD in Iraq in any signifcant sense. No doubt it will set off a frenzy among the latter-day Juan Ponce de Leones looking vainly for the Fountain of WMDs. It is virtually a non-story. US aircraft bombed Karbala overnight. Now that is a story. I can't believe I just wrote the words above. I would not be writing them if Bush had any idea whatsoever what he was doing in Iraq. Bombing Karbala. It must be being seen by Shiites as like a sci-fi Terminator sort of Yazid. Every time I think things cannot get worse, they do.
Bush appointed Iraqi Weaspons Inspector David Kay agrees with Cole -- again, sorry Dubya syncophants --
But David Kay, the former chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq, said the discovery does not provide evidence that Saddam was secretly producing weapons of mass destruction after the Gulf War, as alleged by the Bush administration to justify the war that removed him from power. Shell could be leftover from before Gulf War "I think all of us have known that because of the sheer volume of artillery (containing agents like sarin that were in the Iraqi arsenal prior to the Gulf War) ... that there were likely to be some of these still around Iraq," he told MSNBC TV. "But (the discovery) doesn't speak to the issue of whether weapons of mass destruction were still being produced in Iraq in the mid-1990s."
Again, no stockpiles of WMD, no connection to Al Qaeda, $200 Billion Plus, 780 plus deaths of American soldiers, several thousand dead Iraqis, permanent scars on the perception people have around the world of the United States. Again, all around, clearly a nice job again Dubya!! Bravo.
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