Monday, May 03, 2004

More fun at the intersection of Insanity Street & Repressed Urged Avenue. From Tim Graham on David Brock's new anti-Right Wing fact-checking site. Is there anything funnier on Earth than factually challenged David Brock starting a web site to fight "erroneous assertions" by the conservative media? What kind of pitch is this? When I was a conservative journalist, I lied through my face. Now count on me to be your guardian of media ethics? No, what would be funny would be the thought of Luciane Goldberg's love-child with Beelzebub (Ed: sounds a bit redundant) becoming an Editor for the National Review because he was not qualified to edit "Grit". That would be a goddamned riot. UPDATE: You know now that I've gotten the comedy out of the way, about Brock. Who the hell knows...I think I will almost always go to other sources before his and certainly double check any site he gives me. Just because I believed he was a lying sack-o-shit when he was writing lies for Richard Scaife (a charge proven by the way) doesn't mean he will be honest now. However, I do find it funny the the wingnuts of the Right have such problems with Brock over his writing for the left and betraying their cause, without noticing that all the crapola he wrote for their side is obviously compromised -- yet they never really make that connection do they? Is it because they are stupid? As much as I want to say -- You Betcha', I know that they are not (with some prominent exceptions). No, they want to hang on to as many lies about Bubba as they can because he is the touchstone of their fundraising and motivating apparatus. Such is often the case with wingnuts, both right and left. To paraphrase Voltaire, if Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell did not exist, the left would create them, and of course there are the right's necessary targets as well. Each set of nuts is ideally suited for the other -- I often think that Pat Robertson and say, Barbara Streisand call each other up to strategies about when to say something stupid.
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