Monday, May 03, 2004

Golly Gee Willikers A GOP Operative and long-time Kerry resenter John O'Neill (I told you to remember his name recently) long ago exposed as such an operative is set to have himself a little newsconference tomorrow where several other Vietnam vets are going to say Kerry isn't "fit" to be Commander in Chief, especially in comparison to our verile, "Codpiece in Chief". Why knock me down with a feather... And what of the website for such an announcement? Why Pat Robertson's little "Rapture Enhanced" news site. These guys are going to whine about Kerry's protest again and becoming an anti-war activist. That is what it is going to amount to. Oh fucking cry me a goddamned river. When it comes to who had some "cajones" back then as our Chimperor likes to say, let's see who had 'em. Exhibit A: John Kerry? Or Dubya? Exhibit B: John Kerry won 3 Purple Hearts (one of which O'Neill is ungenerous enough to bitch about); but also a Bronze Star and a Silver Start. George Bush - Was no worse than any other Alabama Dental Patient. Exhibit C: John Kerry, may have killed as many as 20 enemy combatants in combat. George Bush, may have killed a keg or two by himself. Exhibit D: John Kerry, opposed the war in Vietnam but went and served anyway. George Bush, supported the war so much he did not want to go there. Exhibit E: John Kerry, came home and threw his campaign ribbons, many of which symbolized Medals. George Bush, never left home, but threw down many a bottle. This last exhibit now comes with a helpful visualization aid thanks to Hesiod.
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