Saturday, June 12, 2004

Beware the Sternites for their rage is like a mighty ____________ (you fill in the blank) Now that all the celebrity politicians got their 15 or more seconds of fame touching the holy casket, now that the holy tax cutter is buried, in another week true to the attention span of a media age, he'll be quite forgotten just as he forgot so much, like who did what in Iran-Contra, Ollie? Rummy, who are dem guys? Anyhow on to further analyses of da media and repugnicrats and how they use the mythical or we-can-do-anything-because-we-are- the-chosen-party, will of the people, popular sovereignty and democratic elections to mask the operations of the elites and its divisions -- also known as Rich White Men (RWM). Not that all RWM agree on everything, of course there was the stolen election of 2000 and the will of the people was completely thwarted. But God was on the side of the richer white men then or so we are told by the holy rollers who advise us on important matters of politics and soul, though mostly politics. As I said before in this and other places, one of the reasons that Kerry may beat the chimperor, for better or worse -- and frankly, no one could be worse than W!!! -- has to do with the revenge of id monkey Howard Stern and his audience of juvenile sexually regressed "its all about the penis" male listeners. Now we don't want to reduce class dynamics to individuals, nor do we want to ignore, the impact of media, image and fluff... Is anyone taking fluff seriously in this election? So when Clear Channel gave potty mouth Stern the ax (and what's worse talking about the circumfrance of breats or lying about WMDs... I'll vote WMDs every time), I said that large numbers of his audience, deprived of tales of tails, boobs and farts would be pissed and vote for Kerry. NOTE, these folks are not typically polled in that they had not been registered, many were too young, others couldn't read the big words on the voter registration forms, you know like address, place of birth etc... If Reagan can make fun of such things as thinking, can't we make fun of the absence of thinking? Look what is now happening, and before you laugh, remember that Stern's influence made the difference of victory for Pataki in NY, and Whitman in NJ. The survey, for the New Democrat Network, found Stern's listeners include 17% of likely voters, with a quarter being swing voters sought by both parties. "This means that 4% of likely voters this fall are swing voters who listen to Howard Stern, showing Stern's potential impact on the race," the group said in statement yesterday. The poll shows that Stern's fans in general support Kerry, by a margin of 53% to 43%. In the 18 battleground states - including Arizona, Ohio, Colorado, West Virginia and Florida - Stern listeners go for Kerry by a margin of 59% to 37%. A whopping 34% of his faithful are independents. Stern launched a "jihad" to defeat Bush after the FCC began...
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