Friday, May 14, 2004

Nice Try Manhands Karen Hughes tries to say she was not equating pro-choice people with terrorism by saying, um, she sort of was.
The Americans who marched in Washington recently to advocate pro-choice policies have every right to do so, just as I have the right to advocate my pro-life position. [Ed: By implying pro-choicer's are terrorists for example]. My remarks on CNN were an effort to find common ground on this divisive issue. I said, and believe, that after Sept. 11 we have been reminded of the precious nature of human life, especially as Americans of all political philosophies and beliefs fight a common enemy in the terror network that assaults the founding conviction of our country, that all individuals were endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Let me be the one who tries to add a touch of civility to this debate. Kiss my ass you partisan hack!! The touch of civility is that I did not put the "f-word" between "partisan" and "hack". Just doing what I can.
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