Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I hope he's still a Hero to them In my eyes, Pat Tillman was a hero...as are his fellow 900+ men (and some women) who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan. His sacrifice of a beneficial career to utilized his skills in the Army Rangers was a brave and noble act (as was his still living brother who played professional baseball and was moving toward the majors). I am a little uncomfortable with the increased attention on him in comparison to the other fatalities, but that's the nature of fame -- and it is the type of story the press would normally be drawn to. Ted Rall, a liberal (to say the least) cartoonist produced some cartoons that are in my opinion distasteful and moronic, but you are free to chose. That got some publicity yesterday. An interesting thing about Tillman though, he did not like hagiographies, and one of his surviving brothers made clear he definitely doesn't want sainthood. I hope the fundies, say a John Ashcroft, can handle it, but... "Pat isn't with God,'' he said. "He's f -- ing dead. He wasn't religious. So thank you for your thoughts, but he's f -- ing dead.'' What lessons can fundamentalists...and all of us draw from the death of an American citizen who died fighting the product of religious fundamentalism? Hmmm? And by the way this was broadcast live on ESPN, given the "f-word" and the "blasphemy" how can Michael Powell let this go? We cannot have things exposed to our children at the funeral of a war hero. Chew on that concept.
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